Family of 5 from Gabon, Hong Kong and the UK
Living in Impfondo, Republic of Congo Since April 2012
Blog by Joyce the mum, Homeschooling novice, Eye Charity founding doctor / director. Reluctant domestic goddess
Passionate about sashimi, helping people see physically and spiritually, and Jesus
Please do give comments and feedbacks so that we can improve the way we communicate with you!
P.S. This is the personal blog of the Samoutou family (Views our own) Please contact us to subscribe to New Sight official newsletters.
Thank you for your support!

NEWS - the kind that you have to share!
May 14, 2016
In the jungle, the might jungle
September 1, 2015
On Sunday I went with Guillaume and Sarah to an Aka Pygmy church, made of fire-hardened bricks from the local soil, located further North of Impfondo. The Aka live in a Matriarchal society, with women holding the power and authority. It was amazing to watch and listen to how they […] [READ MORE]
Rehab in the jungle
August 20, 2015
On Monday night I finally hauled myself out to go to a bar. As I pedaled my bike through the slowly fading heat of the evening I caught in my eye a square, door-deprived frame radiating a yellow light. There were a couple of people sat out front in the […] [READ MORE]
New Sight Newsletter: Edition April 2015
May 1, 2015
Read the latest news from New Sight Congo, as well gain access to past issues and newsletter subscription. Please click here. Thanks. [READ MORE]
New Sight Newsletter Presents Edition Dec 2014
January 8, 2015
Our latest news from the Congo jungle! Please click here. Thanks! [READ MORE]
New Sight Newsletter Snap Happy Edition August 2014
August 22, 2014
Samoutou Family Health and Travel Update (2 July 14)
July 2, 2014
Thank you for your love, care and prayers. Our family is thrilled to announce that Joyce saw the hospital specialist again this morning and has been given the go-ahead to return to Congo! We will be able to leave the UK on 14 July. If you would like to pray […] [READ MORE]
New Sight Newsletter Special Travel Edition
June 10, 2014
Hi. They do say, 'Better late than never!'. Here is our latest newsletter albeit released in April 14. Please click here for the English version and here for our very first Chinese version!Thank you for your support […] [READ MORE]
Re-entering Civilisation: 10 things I look forward to and 10 things I am nervous about
January 3, 2014
3-day count-down until we set off on the biggest trip of our lives. We will be on the roads for exactly 5 months. Here are the 10 things I most look forward to as well as 10 things I am most anxious about as we prepare to re-enter civilisation. Our former world feels like a million miles away..
Trip to Gabon Part 2
November 27, 2013
How a phone call out of the blue changed our lives. Why it took me so long to write another blog. I hope this blog encourages you when life throws you a surprise, and When things don’t make any sense. [READ MORE]
New Sight Newsletter November 2013- Special Announcement
November 23, 2013
To read our special announcement and much more, please click here. [READ MORE]
Trip to Gabon Part 1 (To be continued)
August 8, 2013
Just some notes and thoughts as we travel and revisit Gabon where we developed our first eye centre. [READ MORE]
New Sight Newsletter August 2013 - Reality TV edition
July 23, 2013
To read all our latest exciting news, please click here. [READ MORE]
A collection of pictures following the move from our former eye clinic in the administrative building to our new eye clinic in a renovated and extended building at the hospital. Come see our new home! [READ MORE]
I don’t know how you do it (Confessions of a working homeschooling mum)
May 31, 2013
Yesterday, I received a whataspp message from a friend. Her sister is a working mum who is ‘so busy and tired and always frustrated. She hates to be in such a state but she just can’t find a way out.’ Her sister asked her, ‘How does Joyce manage her 3 kids on top of the full time job with lack of resources’. Here is my answer… [READ MORE]
剛果日記節錄 / Extracts from Joyce’s journal in Congo
April 25, 2013
Bilingual magazine articles published in February 2013 [READ MORE]
Clueless kids and Chuckling angels
April 19, 2013
Easter is always a special time celebrating the love of Jesus. It is extra special to our family for a number of reasons. [READ MORE]
Newsletter April 2013: First Anniversary Edition
April 17, 2013
Ultimate Make-Over: 10-years-younger and Beyond!
April 11, 2013
How to look 10 years younger in Congo... [READ MORE]
The Boy whom no-one knew if he could or would see: A True Story
April 6, 2013
Every time I think about this precious boy with his big big eyes, I well up with tears and get goosebumps all over... [READ MORE]
True Bliss (Lesson 3 From India)
March 9, 2013
I’d much rather pretend not to see the needs of this hurting world. It’s not that I don’t care, but let’s face it, the needs are overwhelming. What can I possibly do? Show them unwanted sympathy? Feel guilty, frustrated and helpless? Here is my ongoing journey in coming to terms with my awkwardness of living in a poor and needy world… [READ MORE]
Speak up (Lesson 2 from India)
February 27, 2013
When I feel intimidated, when I would rather hide, when I don't want to be seen or heard, I remind myself of this... [READ MORE]
The Secret (Lesson 1 from India)
February 22, 2013
For the days when I feel like I can't cope and I don't want to be here in Congo, I remind myself of this secret. [READ MORE]
